Love Is All There is : Mystical Blog
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Love Is All There is

by Sherrie Ellen on 02/04/20

The only thing that’s real, and eternal is love. We are made of star dust, and created in the very essence of love. Real love is powerful and lasting. It’s only when the ego gets in the way that everything starts going sideways. Simply the very essence of love changes the energy in a room.

When the morning dew on a leaf of a overhanging branch drips down in a lake, or a pebble falling from a cliff above hits a body of water, it casts an outward ripple that continues until it’s out of view, making an impact on something much larger than itself. Such is the case, also, with a kind deed. It doesn’t take much to make an impression. But a simple act of kindness transcends past that moment, and into the hearts of those who bear witness to it.   

Showing genuine selfless acts of Kindness and compassion to others can create miracles in the lives of both the giver, and the receiver. Sometimes it just takes a smile, or kind word to change a situation, or give someone else receiving that boost of love to pass it on to someone else in need.

If you have ever had one of those wow days, that make you wonder how did you get so lucky, because something so randomly great just fell in your lap, you must believe that the Universe is just paying it forward to you for something you did for someone else. You must know that life is not random. What    goes around comes around. Karma is real and she has a long memory.

We all have lessons to learn. And that is the purpose of our journey here on earth. What every we put out. May it be the good, bad or the ugly, it will eventually come back to you. But the bottom line is that the only thing that is real and lasting is love. So, stop fighting it, and show more of it.

So many people come to seek Oakland County, Michigan psychic medium Sherrie Ellen out for psychic love readings concerning romance, and family.  And then there is mediumship so grieving loved ones can find closure with those departed loved ones, and friends on the other side.


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